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Does Darin Olien Live in a Yurt?

In the world of health and wellness, Darin Olien is a name that stands out. Known as a superfood hunter, co-creator of Shakeology, and a Netflix personality, Olien has made a significant impact on the industry. However, what truly sets him apart is his unique living situation in a yurt on the outskirts of Malibu. In this article, we will explore Olien’s fascinating journey, his commitment to health and wellness, and how his choice to live in a yurt aligns with his values and lifestyle.

Early Life and Career

Darin Olien’s story begins on a farm in Minnesota. Growing up surrounded by nature and fresh produce, Olien developed a deep appreciation for the earth’s bounty. Initially, his career aspirations lay elsewhere, but a football injury changed the course of his life. This setback led him to explore health and wellness, ultimately becoming his true passion.

Olien’s thirst for knowledge led him to pursue education in physiology, nutrition, and psychology. Armed with this knowledge, he became increasingly frustrated with the supplement industry’s deceptive practices. Determined to make a difference, Olien decided to go back to his farming roots, seeking out the most nutritious and underutilized plants in nature.

Superfood Hunting

For Olien, nutrition is more than just food. It encompasses an entire lifestyle that focuses on nourishing the body and mind. His mission is to uncover the most nutrient-dense and underappreciated plants in nature. Sustainability is a key aspect of his work, as he believes in preserving the earth’s resources for future generations.

Through his superfood hunting expeditions, Olien has discovered a plethora of exotic and powerful superfoods. From the Amazon rainforest to the depths of the ocean, he has scoured the globe in search of nature’s hidden gems. These superfoods not only provide essential nutrients but also offer a wide range of health benefits.

Living in a Yurt

Darin Olien commitment to sustainability extends beyond his work with superfoods. In 2018, tragedy struck when his house in Malibu was destroyed by the devastating wildfires. Instead of rebuilding, Olien made a conscious choice to assemble a Pacific Yurt on the outskirts of Malibu. This decision was not only practical but also aligned with his values and lifestyle.

Olien has developed a deep love for his “private yurt.” It serves as a sanctuary, a place where he can connect with nature and find solace amidst the chaos of everyday life. Living in a yurt allows him to live in harmony with the environment, reducing his carbon footprint and embracing a simpler way of life.

Mindfulness and Diet

Olien’s commitment to health and wellness extends beyond his living situation. Mindfulness and meditation play a crucial role in his daily routine. By intentionally focusing on the present moment, he cultivates a sense of peace and clarity.

When it comes to his diet, Olien describes himself as “ridiculously controlling.” He believes in fueling his body with nutrient-dense foods that provide optimal nourishment. This includes his creation, Shakeology, a nutritional shake packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

Examples of Olien’s favorite meals and snacks include vibrant salads, smoothie bowls bursting with fresh fruits and vegetables, and, of course, Shakeology. He emphasizes the importance of finding balance and enjoying the food we eat, as nourishing the body should also bring joy to the soul.

Shakeology and Nutrient Gaps

One of Olien’s most significant contributions to the health and wellness industry is his role in creating Shakeology. This nutritional shake is designed to counterbalance the nutrient gaps that exist in modern diets. Olien’s passion for the product stems from his own experiences and desire to share the benefits with others.

Shakeology is made from a carefully curated selection of nutrient-dense ingredients. Each ingredient is chosen for its unique benefits, ranging from improved digestion to increased energy levels. The shake serves as a convenient and delicious way to ensure that individuals are meeting their nutritional needs.


Darin Olien’s unique living situation in a yurt on the outskirts of Malibu is a testament to his commitment to health, the environment, and discovering new superfoods. From his upbringing on a farm in Minnesota to his career as a superfood hunter, Olien’s journey has been one of exploration and passion.

Through his intentional approach to mindfulness and diet, Olien inspires others to prioritize their well-being. His creation, Shakeology, serves as a powerful tool to bridge nutrient gaps in modern diets. By following Olien’s journey and exploring his work, readers can gain valuable insights into a holistic approach to health and wellness.

As we conclude this article, we encourage you to join Darin Olien on his journey. Follow his adventures, learn more about living in harmony with nature, and discover the transformative power of superfoods. Embrace the opportunity to nourish your body and mind, and take a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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